Monday, February 1, 2010

Card of The DAY! Emotional Sensitivity!

Today's oracle card is EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY!
Today, I pulled out the BIG deck, the Angel Therapy deck. It just felt right, and this is what I got.
It says
Honor and Respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all
I love this card. I have always been sensitive, and today, I am conducting a reading, so it is appropriate.
It is always good to be reminded that when we feel off, usually there is a reason. Sometimes its not even US, we just pick it up.
It reminds me also to clear clear clear and to not hold on to things. When you are sensitive, its good to think of yourself like a tuning fork. Let it run through you, and observe! Its not always necessary to respond.

If YOU want a reading, please email me a question, or just your name, and I'll select from emails and post the reading. email to
Have a great SENSITIVE day!

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